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Patient experience survey 2023

Patient Experience Survey 2023

Practice Attendance

Current opening hours are:

Monday to Friday – 08:00-13:00, 14:00-18:30 (closed for lunch/training 13:00 – 14:00 daily)

Extended Access Mondays – 18:30-20:00

Extended Access Saturdays – 08:30-12:30 (by special appointment)

How would you describe your overall Satisfaction with the practice opening hours?
As a service user, please indicate how often you come into the practice:

Quality of Service Received

How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from recent visits?
How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from the General Practitioner (Doctor)?
How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from the Practice nurses and Phlebotomist etc.?
How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from the Receptionist?
How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from the administrative staff?
How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from the Pharmacist?
How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the quality of service you have received from the Practice Manager?

Appointment System

How satisfied are you with the task of booking appointments on the day with any GP?
How satisfied are you with the task of booking appointments on the day with a named GP?
How satisfied are you with the task of booking appointments up to 2 weeks in advance with any GP?
How satisfied are you with the task of booking appointments up to 2 weeks in advance with a named GP?
How satisfied are you with the task of cancelling an appointment?
How do you normally book your appointments to see a Doctor, Nurse, etc. at the surgery?
How satisfied are you with our texting (SMS) service for appointment reminders?

Contacting the Practice

How would you rate your ease of getting through to the practice by telephone now?


Please score your satisfaction with the Electronic Prescription service or indicate if you don’t currently use this service:
How would you describe your satisfaction with collecting your own prescriptions?
How would you describe your satisfaction with repeat prescriptions collected on your behalf or behalf of others cared for?
How do you normally order repeat prescriptions?
Which of the following methods would you prefer to order repeat prescriptions?

Waiting to be Seen

How long do you usually wait to be seen by a clinician at the surgery, beyond your appointment time, for a General Practitioner?
How long do you usually wait to be seen by a clinician at the surgery, beyond your appointment time, for a Practice Nurse / Phlebotomist?


How would you describe your satisfaction with the disabled access for those with Physical/Sensory impairment?
How would you describe your satisfaction with the cleanliness of building internals e.g. reception, waiting areas, surgeries etc.?
How would you describe your satisfaction with the information available throughout the practice – notice boards, leaflets, posters, video screen sequences, Patient Call System etc.?

Care Given by the Practice

In general, how satisfied are you with the care you get at the practice today?
Would you recommend West Street Surgery practice to friends, neighbours, or persons just moved into the local area?

About You

Are you:
Do you have carer responsibilities for anyone in your household with long standing health problems or disabilities?

If you are unsure that it is recorded on your record, please email

Are you a registered Carer?

If you are unsure that it is recorded on your record, please email

The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1991. This gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly and securely.

If you would like to become a member of the West Street Patient Participation Group, please fill in and submit our Patient Participation Group Registration form.