High Blood Pressure?

Introducing Florence or “Flo” for short.

We are delighted to offer our patients with high blood pressure an opportunity to use Florence – a totally free automated text messaging system to send in your BP readings and receive tips and tricks to help manage at home.

How does Florence work?

Florence, or “Flo” will help you to manage your own health better by keeping in touch with you using text messages to your mobile phone. Your healthcare professional has used their expertise to develop care pathways for a variety of conditions or situations, so you can be sure that the advice she gives you is safe to follow. Flo will send you a mixture of prompts for clinical measurements, such as BP readings, alongside tailored advice and information to help you look after your health and lifestyle needs and provide insight to your healthcare team between your scheduled appointments.

Why have I been asked to use Florence?

Your GP or healthcare professional has referred you to Florence to provide you with additional support between your scheduled appointments and where appropriate, provide you with a convenient way to report information about your health, to support your GP or healthcare to make decisions about your care.

Will I be charged to use Florence?

NO! If you are receiving messages from Flo or replying to her from the UK, you will not be charged for the messages – you can even use Flo if you have a pay-as-you-go phone with no credit! Flo can be used worldwide, but messages will be charged at your network rate outside of the UK. Florence’s number (64711) is a free to text short code that will not charge for any messages you send to or receive from Florence.
Some UK mobile phone network providers identify all 5-digit short code numbers as costly and inform via an automated customer service message that “you may be charged.” However, when using 64711 for Florence please be assured that you will never be charged for any messages you send or receive. Florence’s is regulated by the Phone Paid Services Authority in the UK and further confirmation of Florence as a free to text number can be found on their website.

Occasionally a UK mobile provider may in certain contractual circumstances decide to impose a bar on short code numbers similar to those that are commonly applied for network roaming outside of the UK. In these circumstances this bar may prevent you from sending messages to Florence. If this happens, the short code bar can usually be lifted by calling and making a request to your mobile network’s customer service team. If you have a holiday planned, and you do not want to receive messages while you’re away, just send Flo “AWAY”. When you get back from your holiday simply send “HOME” to start receiving Flo’s messages again.

Can I opt out of Florence’s services?

If, for whatever reason, you decide that you want to stop using Florence, you simply need to send “STOP” No further messages will be sent from Florence and your clinician will be notified about your decision to opt out.
We do, however, strongly recommend that you speak to healthcare professional to ensure that a suitable alternative to help you manage your health can be put in place for you before making the decision to opt out.

How is information in Florence about me kept secure?

Florence transmits and stores your data in encrypted form. This means nobody else can read it without the right credentials. Amazon Web Services (AWS) are the cloud provider we use and are compliant with NHS PSS Level 2 standards and certified ISO/IEC 27018:2014 – ‘Information and Security techniques’ – Code of practices for protection of personally identifiable information in public clouds.

Safeguards are in place by appropriate firewalls (Web Application Firewall, AWS), and is hosted in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). We meet the highest standards of safety and security, as set by NHS bodies and the government and we regularly check our systems are secure via outside independent experts.
For more information about our security credentials please click on any of the links below:

• NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit assured (ODS code: 8KH50)
• ISO27001 certified.
• UK Government’s Cyber Essentials certification
• We have full assurance of Florence for integration with the EMIS Partner API Program for EMIS Web GP, CCMH, & Clinical Services, as well as assured to integrate with TPP’s SystmOne via Black Pear Software (FHIR compliant).
• Florence Privacy Notice

What data does Florence process about me?

Florence only stores the following information to allow your health care provider to identify you when using our secure platform services. Your message interactions with Florence, your mobile phone number, title, first/last name, date of birth and sex. Florence may also record your NHS Number to support the anonymous transfer of any clinically relevant information or measurements that you provide as defined by
your healthcare provider, via your message interactions.