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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Available clinics

Our practice emphasises the importance of keeping well, so we provide the following clinics:

  • Asthma
  • Carers support
  • Cervical smears
  • Child health
  • Chlamydia screening
  • Contraception
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Flu vaccination
  • Health checks
  • Heart monitoring
  • Hypertension
  • INR (Warfarin Monitoring) – Safe and effective warfarin treatment needs close monitoring. To make sure all of our patients are receiving the best possible care we are asking people to complete our Anti coagulation service – patient satisfaction survey.
  • Keeping healthy
  • Minor surgery
  • Nursing services
  • Postnatal care
  • Phlebotomy
  • Sexual health
  • Stop smoking
  • Test results
  • Travel clinic
  • Weight management

Blood pressure checks

Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk for stroke and heart disease. High blood pressure may not give any symptoms and therefore you may not know it is raised.

If you have been advised by the surgery to submit your blood pressure readings on a regular basis please use our blood pressure review form.

We recommend everyone over the age of 40 should have their blood pressure checked and at least every 5 years.

Our nurses and doctors can provide a general health check including blood pressure and cholesterol check, and provide feedback on how you can reduce your risk.

Please ask one of our receptionists to book you an appointment for a health check.

New patient health checks

We ask all new patients to make an appointment for a general health check (blood pressure, urine specimen, family history) with the GP or practice nurse when registering with the practice.

Medical records can take a while to transfer from your old GP, so this will allow us to record basic health information and add any repeat medication while we are waiting for your records to arrive.

Alcohol screening

Excessive alcohol intake causes significant health problems and results in large numbers of admissions to hospital for complications.

Newly registered patients are asked to complete a short questionnaire on alcohol and its effects. If you have been invited to submit an alcohol consumption review, please complete our online alcohol consumption review form.

This is scored and advice is given to those at risk of health problems related to alcohol.

Learning disability annual reviews

People with learning disabilities are known to be at higher risk for health problems. This group is also known to be less likely to seek health advice.

Our health checks provide opportunity to review the health of patients with learning disabilities, their medications and discuss issues that they may feel too embarrassed to ask about (such as contraception).

Travel immunisation

West Street Surgery’s nursing team offers travel advice. Our nurses can arrange for appropriate foreign immunisations.

Please note that not all immunisations for travel are available under the NHS. Our nurses can give you details of a local travel clinic for non NHS services if we are unable to provide in surgery.

It is advisable to make an appointment well in advance of your journey. We ask patient to complete our online travel risk assessment form so that we have details of when and where you will be travelling before arranging an appointment.

Women’s health family planning

West Street Surgery has an experienced nurse practitioner who specialised in women’s health and family planning. She has undertaken extensive training and qualifications in women’s health and can offer support and treatment in all sexual health matters including:

  • Advice on all methods of contraception including the combined pill, progesterone only pill, the morning after pill, the Depo-provera, the contraceptive patch and vaginal ring and non-hormonal methods of contraception.
  • The removal and refit of LARC’s (long acting reversible contraception) intrauterine devices and systems e.g. the copper coil, Mirena and the sub-dermal contraceptive implant (Nexplanon).
  • Advice, counselling and treatment of osteoporosis, HRT and the menopause; including assessment fitting and follow up for ring pessaries.
  • Sexual health advise and screening for sexually transmitted diseases including; Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B and C, HIV and Syphilis.


Patients are invited to bring their babies and young children to the surgery for their vaccinations and immunisations. Please make an appointment with a practice nurse. If you are newly registered at the practice, please drop in a copy of your baby’s vaccination history, so we can update your records and ensure you are called in for boosters at the right time.

All adults should be immunised against tetanus every 10 years, and for some occupations it is recommended to have protection against other diseases.

Flu vaccinations

Flu immunisations are recommended for the following:

  • Patients aged 65 and over
  • Patients with respiratory, heart, kidney or liver disease, or diabetes
  • Pregnant women
  • Patients in residential care
  • Main carers

The flu jab is available from the beginning of September, please make an appointment with the practice nurse or HCA.

Whooping cough (Pertussis)

Pregnant women are advised to have vaccination against whooping cough between 28 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

The UK currently has a large outbreak, and newborn babies have the highest risk of complications. Vaccination during the last 3 months of pregnancy provides increased immunity to your baby.

Please make an appointment with the nurse.

Private medical certificates and examinations

The doctors are happy to sign private certificates, private health insurance forms and holiday cancellation forms etc.

A fee will be charged for this use of doctor’s time. They will also perform private medicals, eg HGV, PSV, elderly driver, fitness to undertake sports and pre-employment medicals.

These will require special appointments. Please complete the medical report request form outlining details of your specific requirement.

NHS health checks

As part of the campaign to reduce heart disease, we are offering health checks and advice on how to reduce cardiovascular risk.