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Statement of purpose

The name and address of the registered provider is:

West Street Surgery
89 West Street

Registered manager
Dr Stephen Price

Practice manager
Emma Debbage

West Street Surgery can be found on the edge of the town of Dunstable. It is located close to the Dunstable Downs in southern Bedfordshire in England. It is one of 9 GP practices in the Chiltern Vale locality operating within the Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BCCG).

Since May 2019, West Street Surgery became part of the Chiltern Hills Primary Care Network (PCN). PCNs are essentially groups of practices working together and aiming to work with other agencies to deliver improved care for patients.

The practice has a patient population is approximately 12,100. A significant number of patients come from within the town boundaries; however we also cover many of the surrounding villages and therefore have a practice area which combines both urban and rural elements.

West Street Surgery is a two-storey purpose built building with parking space at the rear of the building which includes a disabled parking space. Alternative free parking is also available opposite the surgery.

Disabled access to the main entrance is via a path from the carpark and a ramp from the main road. There is external lighting to ensure safety at night.

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (The Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 Part 4), the registering body (West Street Surgery) is required to provide to the Care Quality Commission a statement of purpose.

West Street Surgery caring for our patients since 1891.


West Street Surgery exists to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients though the efficient and effective provision of high-quality healthcare.


  • Our patients’ needs always come first
  • We treat each person with respect and dignity
  • We are approachable, caring and compassionate in everything we do
  • We take pride in our work
  • We uphold the founding principles of the National Health Service

Aims and objectives

  • To provide the best possible quality service for our patients within a secure and safe environment through effective collaboration and teamwork
  • Ensure effective and robust information governance systems
  • To ensure that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently, and they have opportunities to discuss and learn from problems or issues that arise at any time
  • To provide a ‘good’ standard of healthcare to all patient populations: older people; people with long-term conditions; families, children and young people; working age people; vulnerable people and people experiencing poor mental health
  • To show our patients courtesy and respect at all times irrespective of ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem
  • To promote good health and well-being to our patients through education and information; utilising electronic resources wherever possible to make care and information more accessible
  • To involve and collaborate in multidisciplinary team work including nursing and other allied healthcare professionals in the care of our patients
  • To involve our patients in decisions regarding their treatment
  • To support continuity of care, wherever possible through personal continuity; but also through medical record continuity enabled by high quality medical records; and following guidelines based on best evidence, national, and local policy
  • To be an active and responsible member in our local health community ensuring our practice and services to our patients are commissioned and provided in a way most likely to meet their needs
  • To ensure the practice is compliant with relevant legislation and policy relevant to maintaining trust and confidentiality, as well as to ensure we practice high quality medicine
  • To provide a learning environment with a continual improvement ethos that runs through everything we do. We look to continuously learn and make improvements in the delivery of patient care