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Community groups

  • Citizens Advice Dunstable and District

    Alongside our own Social Prescribers we also partner with Citizens Advice Dunstable and District who provide a social prescribing service for our patients. They offer a range of support; connecting with the more vulnerable members of society providing the help they truly need, be it advice or help with socialising.
    They arrange a monthly coffee morning, so why not pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Click on the link below to find out the dates of their next meet-ups. The coffee mornings have helped some of our patients to build confidence, and find new friends.

    CAB Coffee mornings for 2024 (PDF)

  • Bedford Foodbank

    Provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of food-banks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

    01234 268 569



  • Citizens Advice Bedford

    Citizens Advice Bedford (CAB) is an independent charitable organisation that helps people resolve their problems by providing information and advice. The service is open to anyone: it is free, independent, confidential and impartial. CAB exists to help those who live or work in the Borough of Bedford.

    01234 867 944
    Monday to Thursday, 10am to 1pm


  • British Red Cross

    Bedford Independent Living Service, supporting Independence.

    Self referral form (PDF)