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Stop smoking

  • NHS Quit smoking

    Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. Check out their advice, tools and tips.

    NHS: Quit smoking

  • Smokefree Bedfordshire

    Support and services to help you lead a smoke free life.


  • Smoking Cessation

    If you’re trying to give up smoking, West Street Surgery can help.
    Studies show that your chances of success will be greatly improved if you get advice and support from health care professionals to help you stop smoking. Giving up smoking improves your long-term health outcomes, but also think how much money you will save.

    The services we offer can:
    – Boost your willpower to stop smoking
    – Concentrate your efforts by getting advice from someone who knows your medical background
    – Help you feel that you’re not doing it alone
    – Help you to cope when you are tempted to smoke
    – Monitor improvements to your health so that you can see the benefits

    Please call the surgery to arrange an appointment with our smoking cessation advisers. We will support you throughout your journey.

    Calculate my savings – Stopping smoking