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Patient Participation Group

Message from the chair of West Street PPG

Your PPG at West Street currently consists of nine members. We are a friendly group and always welcome new members.

I hope that after reading the PPG information on our website that you will also want to help shape the way healthcare is delivered in your general practice. The information provided will give you a good insight into how we function.

If you decide to join or would like to know more about our group then I as chair would be pleased to meet you at the surgery to answer your questions or provide more in depth information. If you have any specific skill to bring to the group this could be included in our discussion. This meeting does not obligate you in any way.

If you wish to contact me please speak to staff on reception.

Should you decide to join us, a confidentiality form would need to be completed before you could attend any meetings. You will also receive an Induction Pack for your reference. As you will read we have four face to face meetings each year but our input doesn’t end there communication remains active as do tasks which are usually pre-set subject to discussion.

Whether you decide to join your PPG or not please check out our information board located in the reception area. We welcome patients input regarding suggestions for future content.

I wish you all well

PPG chair

PPG constitution

  • Support the practice to achieve its health promotion aims.
  • Review and where appropriate provide advice and recommendations on the practices patient surveys.
  • Facilitate and enable dialogue between patients and the practice team and promote patient involvement in the practice.
  • Ensure that the needs and interests of all patient groups are taken into account this will include people with specific illnesses such as mental health, physical disability and long term illness.
  • Consult with the practice on service development and provision, and assist in the assessment of community medical needs.
  • Contribute to and be kept informed by the practice decisions.
  • Provide a variety of means of communication for patients to give feedback and comments about the practice to the PPG.
  • Contribute to a patient Newsletter on an ad hoc basis when changes are made within the surgery.
  • Work with the practice to help it address the challenge of change.
  • Undertake surveys in order to gauge patient experience and assist in translating findings into practice.
  • Liaise with other PPGs in the area.

West Street Surgery PPG is not a fundraising group. Should members wish to engage in fundraising, their ideas and suggestions should be brought in the first instance to the group.

Join our Patient Participation Group

Patient membership is open to anyone registered with the practice that is over the age of sixteen. We aim where possible for a wide ethnic and demographic representation. The group will adjust membership numbers in accordance with the health and safety requirements of the surgery.

No prospective member will be allowed to attend PPG meetings without first signing the confidentiality form which is included in the induction pack.

The group will compromise of 3 or 4 officers

  • The practice manager (unelected)
  • Chairperson
  • Vice chairperson
  • Treasurer (only required if the group receives funding or becomes fundraising)

The remaining group members will consist of

  • Patient representatives
  • Medical representative
  • A member of the practice team which could include administration or front of house

Before applying for membership of the West Street PPG, careful consideration should be given to the following statement to avoid any disruption at a later date.

Members are required to attend at least 50% of the scheduled meetings over a three year period. Should you be unable to fulfil this request, then you will be asked to leave the group.

To join:

PPG organisational arrangements

  • The group will meet on a quarterly basis generally January, April, July October.
  • Sub committees may be assigned responsibilities for specific projects or to meet urgent business requirements or areas of research.
  • Quorum will consist of 5 group members and 1 officer, with the chairperson having the casting vote.
  • All patient representatives should contact the practice manager with any questions or issues and a courtesy copy sent to chairperson (in confidence).
  • All members will be expected to respect rules of confidentiality and not discuss personal or sensitive information outside a meeting.
  • Membership of the group will be terminated in the event of a member ceasing to be a patient.
  • The chairperson may call special meetings of the committee as the need arises.
  • Committee members shall where possible have seven days’ notice of any special meetings.
  • Minutes shall be kept of all meetings; the scribe to be decided by individual groups.
  • Members contact details and email addresses will be kept in strict confidence by the chairperson and practice manager in compliance with the principles of confidentiality contained in the Data Protection Act.