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GP patient survey

Every year the NHS England commission Ipsos MORI to survey over two million people across the UK to comment on how they feel about their GP practice. Results are published in July each year.

GP Patient Survey Results

Our PPG also carries out patient surveys, speaking directly to our patients in our waiting room.

Results from all of our patient feedback, including surveys and the friends and family test responses drive West Street Surgery to make improvements in terms of our service delivery.

This year, in response to your feedback we have:

  • We continue to tweak our telephone system, to ensure that as many patients as possible can get through to our reception team with reduced queue times. We have introduced an automated text message with a link to our online request form. This should be used for all non-urgent requests for appointments, prescriptions, test results and general enquiries.
  • Our telephone system won’t stop call queuing, as we continue to have an unprecedented number of calls from 8am to 6:30pm, but it does offer a call back facility at really busy times.
  • Our website is always updated with the lated patient information, and we have a number of social media platforms including Facebook and twitter to allow us to interact with our patients. Follow us by clicking the icons on our homepage.
  • Increased patient online access through our new platform AccuRx. Patients can now contact us via an online consultation which can be found by clicking the Accurx button on our website homepage.
  • The AccuRx software enables patient to be able to send images directly to GPs and nurses, request prescriptions, medical certificates and more. Try it out it will save time sitting in the telephone queue.
  • West Street Surgery have a large clinical team. Two GP Partners are supported by 5 salaried GPs and a long-term GP locum. We have 6 pharmacists, 4 nurse prescribers, 2 practice nurses, 2 phlebotomists/HCAs one of which is also a qualified GPA. Our non clinical support team includes a Health and wellbeing coach, a social prescriber and a care coordinator.
  • Please use our point of care blood pressure machine, which also measures height, weight and BMI. It is available free of charge in our reception. The aim is to reduce the number of routine blood pressure appointments offered, freeing up more clinician appointments for our patients.
  • In response to the increased number of blood test appointments West Street Surgery has two phlebotomists and patients also have access to the community phlebotomy hub.
  • We currently have 3 apprentices a West Street Surgery and we are proud to invest in training and development of all of our staff. This year six of our GPs qualified as GP trainers and we became a GP training practice. We have already had one GP compete her final GP training placement and currently have another GP register with us until next year. In addition we provide a fantastic training placement for university students in their 4th year of their medical degrees.
  • In addition to becoming a training practice we have also been certified as a research practice and have been involved in a number of research projects with more to follow next year. For more information about our research Research active practice.
  • Supporting the mental health needs of our patients is one of our top priorities. We have a dedicated Mental Health Nurse who sees patients face to face in the surgery and our social prescriber, health and wellbeing coach and care coordinators are dedicated to supporting our patients whatever their needs. Our ShinyMinds programme was a huge success and patients are still being offered ShinyMind prescriptions to support their health and wellbeing.