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PPG October 2019

Welcome to our autumn update. We are all wondering where this year has gone.

I am pleased to inform you that the PPG continues to have a good working relationship with the surgery and since the May update we have recruited another member who will be joining us in January. We remain hopeful that a few more of you will join in 2020. Should you be interested please speak to a member of our reception staff who will forward details to me.

For those of you who have been following the surgery’s CQC results on the west Street website and may have concerns as to what progress has been made, please be assured that all staff and partners have been working tirelessly to raise our rating. Our next CQC is imminent and we are hopeful that all the hard work will be recognised.

Period poverty is an on-going issue and the surgery has taken the initiative to try and help patients of West Street who find themselves in need of this service whilst at the surgery. Please speak to staff if you need assistance in obtaining sanitary products which are free.

Also we will shortly be collecting food for distribution to those in the most need. The preliminary arrangements are in the process of being finalised.

As mentioned in our May update questionnaires have been completed by some patients. A big thank you to all of them. The feedback has proved very useful.

Please keep checking out the PPG notice board there might just be something to interest you. We are hoping in the spring to reintroduce the Surgery Newsletter. This will be on the PPG noticeboard and available in the surgery.

Why not also go onto the L&D hospital web-site and check out the work that has been completed and that which is still ongoing.

Your PPG at West Street Surgery will soon be setting its aims and objectives for 2020 so should you have an idea or suggestion you wish to put forward for consideration please write it down with or without your contact details and hand into reception. Contact details are only needed if you would like feedback.

The PPG will face many challenges in the coming years as will GP surgeries but hopefully we can all work together with a successful outcome.

It only remains for me on behalf of your PPG to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy happy 2020.

C.A Cook

Chair of West Street Surgery