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PPG October 2020

Due to the current situation your PPG has been unable to continue their face to face meetings held at west street surgery, this also applies to any allocated tasks.

These uncertain times leave us unable to engage with the surgery in the normal way. However we are holding online meetings and although no substitute for meeting your fellow volunteers face to face it seems that this format will remain for the foreseeable future.

So please, if you have an issue you wish us to be made aware of you can contact the surgery using our online form on the website or through our Facebook page.

A source of information regarding the role of PPGs and latest Covid news are the eBulletins on the N.A.P.P website, these hold a wealth of informative reading. Information on how to do this is on the surgery website.

Something I have just seen on the September eBulletin is that Self Care Week this year is 16-22nd of November. The aim this year is to reinforce current guide lines: quit smoking, good nutrition, exercise and ways to protect our mental wellbeing.

I have found some good recipes on YouTube which are all vegetable based. I made a vegetable cake last night; very uncomplicated and good to heat up for lunch the next day. Having a daily walk is becoming more difficult with winter fast approaching so maybe the next thing is to set up some sort of exercise regime. Everyone will have their own ideas on this and remember only do what is comfortable for you. You don’t have anything to prove. There is loads of advice on exercise on social media or how about checking out the NHS website.

Mental wellbeing is more difficult but could be helped by exercise. Social interaction in a normal situation would be an obvious suggestion. I do know that there are groups out there offering support (If you are reading this and have any details that would help please post). The NHS website also has a lot of information.

Age appropriate: could also check out Age UK and silver lining.

Your PPG wish you well.

Page published: 18 October 2024
Last updated: 18 October 2024